Monday, September 03, 2007

Sending a prayer into the atmosphere
Answered by the crickets and the frogs
The air responds to me
Wrapping around this soul of mine
An equal exchange, give and take
As the warmth comes into me
Mingling briefly with all my tiny pieces
And swiftly retreats back to home


~Free said...

I can FEEL this moment, Liz.

Sandra Novack said...

Beautiful. Did you write this? It's very moving...Hope you are doing well, Mommy Dawg.


mommydawg said...

Yes, this is something I wrote myself a couple of weeks ago. I had just moved in to the house I'm staying in. Without internet access or even a computer, I was really feeling the itch to write something and had to resort to good old fashioned pen and paper. I found it recently and decided, what the heck, I'll post it.

Thanks for the kind words. It's not easy to put the words out there sometimes, but what have I got to lose?