Saturday, December 23, 2006

Pre-Christmas Eve Day

Today started with a bang at 5am with the baby waking up and demanding our attention. We went to BJ's for a gigantic filet of beef that will be lovingly carved into filet mignons for Christmas. We also got a bunch of other crap I won't bore you, the reader, with. Suffice to say about 12 or 13 items ranging from a 12-pack of light bulbs to a 4-pack of Chardonnay glasses. A good store!

I promise to take and post a picture of the filet before I butcher it.

The baby napped through a breakfast at the Meadowlands diner and the trip to BJ's. Stinker...

But the biggest stinker of all today was Sadie, who hung around in her pajamas for the major part of the day playing Xbox. Sheesh. She also played around on the Sims for quite a while working on new characters. I dragged her away from that to make cookies with me. I think in the end she enjoyed it.

My in-laws brought her to see Santa at the Bergen Mall while we did the Stop N' Shop thing. Evidently she screamed her head off as soon as she was placed in his lap and stopped screaming promptly upon returning to arms of her Grandpa. So no Santa picture this year. Eh, that's fine with me. I know there's a lot of pics out there of babies screaming in terror on Santa's lap, and that's cool and all, but we'll survive without one.

I baked 3 batches of cookies today: gingersnaps, chocolate crinkles, and thumbprints (AKA Russian teacakes) cookies. Every one of them is scrumptious. Tomorrow we will make sugar cookies, chocolate chip, and chocolate-pecan tartlets. The tartlets are at Sadie's request.

I plan on TRYING to get a pedicure tomorrow. Wish me luck. I need some festive toes.

Hope everyone's weekend is awesome and may the spirit of the season be with you.

1 comment:

~Free said...

Merry Christmas!!! Man, you can seriously bake! We are so lazy. In fact, the idea of making lasagna made me tired so I went out and got two big steaks instead. I'm going to top them with bleu cheese and some home made onion rings. With vegetables, of course, cause we're healthy and and all. Heh. Have a great day tomorrow with your family :)