Sunday, February 03, 2008

Sneaking in an entry

Well, I had an entry prepared regarding Penny's birthday. I got distracted. The condensced version is as follows:

It was a good day. She got lots of presents and had fun. A bunch of people were over so it was the usual manic scene in my world: a little too much food, a lot of fussing over the too-much-food, some nice memories, some awesome out of town guests, a bit of crying over the fact that Rob couldn't be there, exhaustion, some guilt over not being able to enjoy it the maximum, and then the comfort of my Calvin Klein bedding to take me away from the day for another year.

I do recommend CK bedding highly. It is worth the investment. Whatever gets you through the alright...alright.

The Superbowl: I'm praying for Big Blue to take it all the way today. Not that I care tremendously about football. I just think that with Rob watching from his corner of the universe, wherever that may be, he'd naturally want the Giants to win.

I almost can't stand the idea of watching the Superbowl, but in this family it's a holiday up there with Christmas and Easter. This was always a big day for us. For me it had to do more with the food I was preparing, but for Rob it was all about the love of the game.

Well, this year it's homemade macaroni salad, the old Ebner's Shoparama recipe. Add to that some slowly cooked BBQ spareribs prepared in an oven AND a grill (they're on the grill right now and smelling mighty fine!), burgers, dogs, wine, beer, and soda.

My father, brother, and Penny are probably heading back from Hernando Beach. My mom is out walking. Sadie is at a friends house. The dogs are hovering around the grill, praying that the ribs come back to life and throw themselves onto the patio floor spontaneously. I'm alone on the lanai, just wondering how the hell I got to this point in life.

If Blue wins, I will surely bawl my eyes out. If they don't, it will be another example of working so hard and coming so far for...for what? An anti-climax? In which case I will my bawl my eyes out for them, thinking, "I know. I know boys. All that work to get to the top of whatever and then this."

I mean, listen, I think losing a husband is way worse than losing a Superbowl. IT IS! Trust me, it sucks. That's the only way to say it. But they can always try again. I can't. But I imagine that losing a Superbowl is amazingly heart-breaking.

Well, they're all back. I guess this entries done.

Keeping fingers crossed for the Giants!


~Free said...

Ah.. man! Ebner's Shoparama! I think about it all the time. I can't believe it existed. I loved Ebner's. It's gone now, right?

I am a big fan of bedding, and I have never had CK. Does your endorsement include their sheets? I need some new ones. Maybe Marshalls will have some cast-offs to fit my budget.

Anonymous said...


Always glad to read another entry. I can't wait to read the follow-up about the Giants victory celebration at your house.

I'm convinced Rob was watching, that he was a part of it all somehow. I'm not ashamed to admit that I asked for his help at several key moments. Who knows? Maybe Rob had something to do with that unfathomable prayer of a catch that somehow stuck to David Tyree's helmet.

At key points, I could almost hear Rob saying "yesssss!!!" and exuberantly shouting out in his trademark way as he called out his plays from his armchair.

Forgive me if this sounds corny. But when the game ended, I cried. I know Rob was a giant of a man, and he was a winner who triumphed over tremendous adversity each and every day of his life. A more tenacious person I have never known. So I thought the game, in a very small way, was a fitting tribute to him. I know he was smiling down on the Giants and on you and the girls -- his most beloved team.


mommydawg said...

Ebner's: Gone but not forgotten. The building is still there. A few years back, after a long and thorough over-haul, it became an Italian deli. I haven't been in the building since but I'd love to see what they've done with the place. I still can't believe that I worked AND lived there. What a crappy apartment that was! But it was home for a while. Ironically, I barely ever made it to work on time! I remember how badly my shower leaked...right on down into the store in front of the freaking postal sub-station.

Bedding: the sheets are amazing. Like butta.

Giants: Jon, I felt the same way too. It was like he was there. That last catch by Plaxico brought tears to my eyes. When they interviewed him after the game and ol' Plax started crying, well, that's when the water-works hit me hard. I just WISH I could've seen Rob's reaction to all of this. I'm sure that in his corner of the universe he was jumping up and down, celebrating the victory in some remote, cosmic way. It was a magical game.