Sunday, August 24, 2008


This is my one-hundredth post. I'm going to try to not make it a crappy one.

I am feeling so connected, folks. I have Twitter now, and it's even set up for mobile use. Of course it's also featured on this here blog and on FB too. I just downloaded a mobile for FB. I continue to make friends with people on FB that I don't actually know but darnit, they seem worth knowing. At the very least, they are worthy Wrestler opponents which carries an awful lot of weight in my world.

None of this is helping me with the Operation Get Back to Jersey. However, it is making life a little more tolerable and every bit counts. Nah, scratch that---It's making life better. I think that's a better way to describe it.

I have transcended tolerable by now. I am well aware that intolerable days are always around the corner, but those are just days and not my whole entire outlook on life. To be able to say "I am having a sucky day" instead of "my whole life is in a shambles" is a very important distinction.

Gunga Ungula for you Caddyshack fans out there.

Today is Sunday. By this time next week I hope to be deep into Virginia. Wow, that did not come out right. What I meant to say was, I hope to be approaching the Capital, which sounds a little perverted too. In other words, I well on my way home.

Big Mama here is getting a haircut and color on Tuesday. The one I am sporting now just has no style. At least with long hair I could put it up in an accessory, mainly just ponytails with the occasional braid or hair clip. This is just a freak show of blah on my head right now.

I'm going for a deep brown, no red whatsoever. I'm keeping it shorter, no bangs. I need some layers or something. I just want it to look cute for the fall and winter, when I have no tan, and the dark hair contrasts with my skin. I'm sort of starting to form a vision of the kind of style I'd like to sport for the next year. The kind I'm sporting now will not cut it for the work-place or being anywhere other than my lanai, Publix, daycare, my car or any other place borderline agoraphobics frequent.

The remix is still in the studio, so to speak.

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