Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Internet

Sometimes I think a lot about how the Internet has changed my life.

I relied on the Internet quite a bit to get through school.

I met my husband on the Internet.

I have become a more independent traveller by being able to view and print maps, pointing me to exactly where I need to go.


Husband, Rob, just said to me "I love football. Don't make me hate football." We are watching some college football news on ESPN. For some reason, in my life, I cannot escape football. It is not my favorite, but at this point I'm getting used to it, almost starting to understand it. From Sunday at 1:00 pm to Monday evening the TV is on, and it's on football. The laptop is keeping a running tally of fantasty football scores.

Rob's team this year is called Oblivion, named after the beloved game he has just finished. He is the commissioner of the league, Creeping Death, which he named after a Metallica song that he is quite fond of. As the commissioner's wife, you'd think I was maybe responsible for some fancy hostessing or something, but alas, it doesn't require much effort on my part.


Everyone in our house has been taking turns being sick for the past 2 weeks. The baby seems like she might be getting another ear infection so she'll be going to the doctor tomorrow. Rob will be taking her since he has a cold and won't be going in to work. I stayed home two days last week.

1 comment:

~Free said...

Me, too! Things found on internet: my husband, my house, cars no longer with us, my job... umm... I think those are the big ones. I can't believe it exists, really.